Monday, October 15, 2012

The Lady of Shalott

Basically, in this poem, The Lady of Shalott, is of a young woman trapped inside a tall tower in Camelot. She is all alone in the tower and is not allowed to see or communicate with the outside world. The Lady of Shallot is told by a whisper that, if she was to ever look down upon Camelot, she would be cursed. The curse is unknown to what will happen to her. She is alright with being held captive in the tower but once she has stopped this lowing couple below by looking through her mirror, she instantly becomes envious of their love. The life that she once held all alone is now, miserable. Soon enough, she hears the sound of a man, Lancelot. She runs out of the tower and her mirror shatters. She knew the curse was about to begin. She then gotten into a boat and floated down the river to her death. Later, she was found by the knights of Camelot and were all afraid. But not for Lancelot, who found her to be beautiful.
I believe, The Lady of Shalott represented hope because even though she was trapped in a tower, she was able to set herself free (sort of like a caged bird being releases). Never being able see the outside world before, but now being able to, even just for a short moment of time would be amazing. Also, knowing that if leaving the tower, she would be releasing that dreadful curse. Not knowing what the consequences will be, but taking the risk anyways, it'd be worth the risk. Even though she was dying while sailing down the river, she was finally set free. Being able to see the world for the first time and how it truly is. 
I'm able to relate to this to my own life because sometimes I feel trapped within myself. Whether I'm feeling stressed or over thinking about something, but somehow, I am always able to feel myself from it. No matter what my difficulties are, I'm always able to triumph through strong and free. But for one thing, it always takes time, some longer than other. Some more painful than the other, but always being able to free myself from it is gives me the strength to know that I'll be able to overcome anything.
I believe this image represents, The Lady of Shalott because she looks so free, free to enter the outside world no matter the consequence. Even though she had come to her death, she is able to enjoy it. Leaving the tower was worth releasing the curse for because she was finally able to enter the world, she was never allowed to join. Even though she wasn't able to receive the love she was envious of. At least, she was able to see the world in its true form and not what she thought it looked like from her own imagination. 

Corporal Punishment

What is Corporal Punishment? It's where the teachers and faculty are allowed to spank their students with a paddle. Which I believe is completely outrageous! No school, anywhere in the world should be allowed to paddle their students. They may have had this as a punishment back in the bad, but there's a reason why it isn't allowed now. It is such a cruel and inhumane way to punish students. In Springtown, Texas, two teenage girls were paddled by their male vice principle. The rule they have there is that, only the same gender as the child may spank the student. But this was a male vice principle paddling a female student, leaving bruises and blisters on their behinds. What the school district is trying to do is to change the rule from, same gender as the student may be allowed to paddle but now it to be either gender. Which is totally absurd! What they should be actually doing is banning that rule.  If any person is allowed to punish the students, I think they would most likely feel empowered. I also think that would scare the students even more because the teachers and faculty that are supposed to be reliable and comforting adults, will be feared instead. The image of students going to school and feeling safe would be tarnished. They could be permanently damaged, fearful and even lower their self-esteem because of it. I know that the 'paddle' is supposed to make students learn not to cheat or do bad things, but there are other methods of doing so. Not even their own parents are allowed to it them unless, they want Children Services at their door. But there are some parents whom believe in that type of system. I just believe that method is completely off base and should be banned everywhere!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

To be or not to be

Northern Ireland apart of the United Kingdom, it shares boarders with the Republic Ireland to the south and west. Northern Ireland for many many years a violent and bitter conflicted place between nationalist, Roman Catholic, and unionist, British Protestant. The unionists want Northern Ireland to remain as a part of the United Kingdom, while nationalists want reunify with the rest of Ireland and become independent of British rule. I believe that Northern Ireland should separate from British rule and govern themselves. That way they could avoid conflict and violence between the countries. There has been pointless riots between the two religions and many undeserved deaths.  In 1985, there was a plan to sign a peace treaty, The Anglo-Irish Agreement. The treaty may have been signed, but the few that didn't want this treaty to be signed they had it blocked by implementation. Which I believe, they should of have done because the Troubles didn't stop. The UK should just give back Northern Ireland to the land it once was.